Push Button Supremacy


Supremacy means being the authority of your own life, holding dominion over all that is rightfully yours, by standing strong at the door of your mind to conquer the enemies of (a) protection, (b) profit and (c) pleasure.

Push Button?

"A simple switch mechanism to control some aspect of a machine or process."

Now Push The 8 Buttons Of Supremacy For Protection, Profit & Pleasure

Evolve My Mind

Supercharge your cognition with techniques for the age of AI. Includes the book Atomic Cognition, the Atomic Planning system, and more.

Protect My Vitality

Imagine having a longevity clinic at home with all the cutting edge devices. Why wait? 

Prepare My Future

Timeline and Manifesto for our transition into the Pro-Human Technological Singularity (2025 - 2045)

Improve My Lifestyle

Explore the concept of a Network State project. An off-grid cohaven surrounded by raw nature. 

Develop My Career

Our latest report introduces a planning system for today's leaders for strategic focus and team coordination.

Manage My Wealth

The Cool, Calm And Collected Approach To FIRE: Financial Independence, Retire Early. 

Improve My Relationships

AI for Inter-Personal Communication. My learning project in AI development, on the dating needs of modern men. Once complete, the project will expand to all areas of inter-personal communication.

Optimize My Collaboration

A platform like no other.
Version 1 by mid-2025.  

Meet The Maker

Hi, I'm Gavriel.

Push Button Supremacy has evolved over the past few decades towards a comprehensive system that nurtures a life full of levity.

A vision that began while browsing my parents bookshelves as a pre-teen, when I realized that life is not being lived as it should be. 

We can do, have, give, and become so much more. 

As abstract as it sounds, we just need the right buttons to push. 

If you'd like more background, visit my personal site at www.gavrielshaw.com.
